Where are you in the Decision Process?

Where are you in the Decision Process?”

Too often sales people want to “rush” thru the “process” without understanding the prospects “Decision Making Process.”

They want to believe that “magically” that if they produce a quote or proposal, that the document will get people to become excited, convinced, answer all their questions/concerns & buy!

Here’s a fact of sales life: Every customer environment is a unique combination of elements that need to be managed BEFORE they can make a decision

Here is another sales “truism“ that too many sales people don’t understand or know what it means: “Information does not TEACH people how to decide!”

This is where patience will pay off, by asking good questions, to understand the prospect, their influencers, who participates and what their criteria and possible concerns are.

So, at minimum, what does the sales person need to know, understand & ask?

  • To make a decision like this…what is the process you/your organization goes thru?
  • -What are the steps?”
  • Who are the people?
  • Sales person must also know how to deal with potential concerns, apprehensions and potential risks prospect may be concerned with?

They need to ask relevant questions, such as:

  • “What are the steps your company goes thru when you decide to invest $X to fix ____problem (s)?”
  • WHO, besides yourself is involved in the process & can sign off on $X? Who else gets involved & when do they get involved?” When do I get to meet them?
  • WHEN do you see yourself “taking delivery, OR wanting it installed, OR wanting it completed?” (Get the “finish date” and work backwards to “today” so you know when to present your information/solution.)
  • WHAT do you need to see from us to move forward? (samples, testing, demo, proposal, etc.) What do the others need to see?
  • “As I’m putting together your proposal (solution) I would like to be sure I have the best input possible. Is there anyone else you think that I need to meet with or contact for feedback?”

On more detailed, complex sales, you must be prepared with a decision checklist:

Must know the key players

  • Must know their process & priorities
  • Must know how each buying influence is tied in to the process
  • Who has most to gain/lose?
  • Must know the timelines
  • Must know where you stand against competition
  • Must know why quotes / proposals have been rejected in the past
  • Must know “what will happen next?”
  • Must know how to deal with potential concerns, apprehensions and potential risks prospect may have
  • Must completely know where you are in their ‘buying process” and their decision-making process and the “Value” you bring to helping improve their business.

So, do you want to “speed up the sale?” Our advice is to “slow down” and ask the right questions, know the right players, how they influence the decision and what is needed to win this accounts business.

For more information, assistance or help with sales, management issues or recruiting: Contact Kash Development Corp at 630-560-3614.

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