Category Archives: Sales

Finding the Decision Maker…

Making a sale requires us to be with the person that can make the decision. Unfortunately, many companies you sell to will not allow access to the people that really “call the shots”. Or at least they will make it … Continue reading

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The Power of Listening: Unveiling Buyer Motives

In the dynamic landscape of sales, one skill stands out as a game-changer: listening. A salesperson’s ability to truly listen can be the difference between a successful deal and a missed opportunity. Why is listening so critical? Because it holds … Continue reading

Posted in Attitude, Sales, sales compensation, Sales Development, Sales Management, Sales Training | Leave a comment

The Second Best Word you Can Hear is “No”

Whether you’re new to sales or a seasoned veteran, regardless of your “technique”, you’ll still hear “NO” more often than “YES”. This is a truism of sales. Most salespeople know this, but everyday go on calls always seeking a “YES”. … Continue reading

Posted in Attitude, Sales, Sales Development, Sales Management, Sales Training | Leave a comment

Where are your people spending their time??

Once the goals are in place, accountability for time is the next critical component.  Where are your salespeople spending their time?

Posted in Coaching, Leadership, Sales, Sales Manager's Corner | Leave a comment

Successfully Hiring Salespeople for 2022: Getting it Right vs. Getting it “Over With”

Recruiting, Screening, Selecting and Retaining Outstanding Salespeople has been identified as the #1 Sales management issue facing companies in 2022! First, Some Facts & Considerations: Average Sales Turnover is now 34% and, in some industries, and companies it is much … Continue reading

Posted in Recruiting, Sales, Sales Management | Leave a comment


As companies are coming out of the COVID “hibernation” & challenges, we in Management are faced with critical questions about our existing sales team: Who has “produced” sales in the past year (at least 90% of quota)? Who has not? … Continue reading

Posted in Business Challenges, Leadership, Sales, Sales Development, Sales Management | Leave a comment

Successful Sales Leadership & Sales Management in 2020: A Retrospective

We have had the good fortune of working with some excellent companies and teams in 2020 before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’d like to share some Sales leadership & Sales Management Practices, Observations, and Insights that the strong leaders … Continue reading

Posted in Coaching, Leadership, Sales, Sales Management | Tagged | Leave a comment

Professional Sports are back! What parallels exist between the preparation of sports organizations and your business?

Professional Sports are back! While some sports are facing larger hiccups and hurdles than others, they’ve all spent tremendous time preparing for this moment – not just on the field, court, or ice – but in the front offices, as … Continue reading

Posted in Leadership, Sales, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

What happens to your business when the PPP money runs out?

Are you prepared, or are you behind in your business & sales structure re-positioning? Week 8 into the crisis. We all know the numbers, bad news and struggles repeated hourly on all the news outlets. We are in a crisis … Continue reading

Posted in Business Challenges, Sales, Sales Development | Leave a comment

Problems you can solve in advance of the Economy “Re-opening”

In this crisis, you have one small luxury…to take some time to determine what is working and not working today, so you can structure the company you need when this crisis “winds down.” Fact: If you do not intentionally CREATE … Continue reading

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