Category Archives: Coaching

Finding the Decision Maker…

Making a sale requires us to be with the person that can make the decision. Unfortunately, many companies you sell to will not allow access to the people that really “call the shots”. Or at least they will make it … Continue reading

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Where are your people spending their time??

Once the goals are in place, accountability for time is the next critical component.  Where are your salespeople spending their time?

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Successful Sales Leadership & Sales Management in 2020: A Retrospective

We have had the good fortune of working with some excellent companies and teams in 2020 before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’d like to share some Sales leadership & Sales Management Practices, Observations, and Insights that the strong leaders … Continue reading

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Scary sales data and ONE LEADERSHIP Approach to begin to help improve it: Kash Sales Brief

OWNERS, PRESIDENTS & SALES LEADERS, Recently, we’ve learned some alarming statistics about salespeople that we needed to share with you, the company Sales Leaders that are happening during this REMOTE selling environment: 34% of salespeople do not prospect consistently 90% … Continue reading

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Accountability or Excuse Making?

What will you accept; when “Results are on the line?” Excuse making is: A plea or explanation offered in defense of one’s conduct  Excuse Making: A release from obligation, duty, etc.   ………A “pretended” reason for conduct “Every excuse that is … Continue reading

Posted in Attitude, Business Challenges, Coaching, Sales | Leave a comment

Sales Manager’s Corner: Capturing Sales Growth

As Sales Managers, we sometimes get distracted. When we do, so do our sales people…and the performance & results suffer in the process. Our people are looking for direction and feedback that “help” them generate results. Let’s give them that … Continue reading

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Sales Managers: Are you a Performance Manager or a Manager of Under-performance: Tackling & Resolving Day to Day Challenges to achieve & “crush” Sales Quotas

Getting enough quotes? Are they closing? Why or Why Not? What are our people working on that is more important than generating business opportunities? The Goal Directed Sales Person The question we need to know is “What are my people … Continue reading

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Getting back “on plan” by the end of Q2

Getting back “on plan” by the end of Q2 The month of June closes out Quarter 2. If you are “ahead of plan” …great! What will you do & commit to stay ahead? What if you are behind plan…??? June/Q2 … Continue reading

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Common Sense Prospecting, Selling & Business Building “tips” in This Economy

Common Sense Prospecting, Selling & Business Building “tips” in This Economy  In a booming market, sales people have a tendency to chase the “easy” deals. They shy away from and won’t chase the tough stuff. In a tougher market, the … Continue reading

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The Olympics and the Athletes: What can we apply to our businesses and sales teams?

The Olympics and the Athletes: What can we apply to our businesses and sales teams? A commercial popped up on TV featuring Olympian Michael Phelps, the greatest Olympian of all time with 28 Olympic medals, of which 23 are GOLD! … Continue reading

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