Sales Manager’s Corner: Capturing Sales Growth

As Sales Managers, we sometimes get distracted. When we do, so do our sales people…and the performance & results suffer in the process. Our people are looking for direction and feedback that “help” them generate results.

Let’s give them that direction this month with our 4 by 10 CAPTURE PLANS.

Think of this as “4 buckets” each with a different objective for business generation.

A. Their TOP 10 Accounts who can spend more dollars in the next quarter.
Customer; Product/project; $ potential; Motive; Action step & date (list 1-10 accounts)

B. Their TOP 10 Dormant Accounts (not doing business with your company in over 12 months)
Customer; Product/project; $ potential; Motive; Action step & date (list 1-10 accounts)

C. Their TOP 10 NEW PROSPECTS (Targets to “hunt,” contact/meet/qualify/etc.) Customer; Product/project; $ potential; Motive; Action step & date (list 1-10 accounts)

D. Their TOP 10 “OPEN PROJECTS” to close in the next 30 days Customer; $Value; product/service; Decision Process; Status; Next Action & date (list 1-10 accounts)

Give each of your sales people direction, one on one with this assignment. Give them due dates to start this task and coach them minimally on a weekly basis to help manage progress and gain “clarity” for the objectives for the next call. (Tip: Role play the call with them). Practice & overcome any stalls, objections (and responses) and coach them to be prepared with more & better questions to move each opportunity forward in your sales process.

What happens when you give them this directions and coaching assistance? Their activity will increase; their pipeline will increase and ultimately their Sales results will increase!

Questions? Just give us a call at 630-560-3614. We’re glad to help & have a conversation.

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