Author Archives: Adam Kash

Finding the Decision Maker…

Making a sale requires us to be with the person that can make the decision. Unfortunately, many companies you sell to will not allow access to the people that really “call the shots”. Or at least they will make it … Continue reading

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Making the 80/20 Rule Work For You In Sales

80% of your business comes from 20% of your clients. In 1896, Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto formulated the 80/20 Rule. It states that 20% of the work force produces 80% of the results. How does the 80/20 Rule apply … Continue reading

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Sales Manager’s Corner: Sales Training “Do’s” & “Don’ts”

Good training will accomplish three goals: It will teach skills that develop efficient work habits (behavior). It will form positive attitudes that promote healthy self-esteem and belief systems. It will build salespeople’s knowledge of techniques which allow for qualifying, closing, … Continue reading

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New Year, New Sales Year

  As the calendar turns to 2024, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new year, brimming with possibilities and opportunities. For sales professionals, this transition symbolizes more than just a change in dates—it marks the beginning of a … Continue reading

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Where are your people spending their time in Q4?

It’s the fourth quarter of 2023. Time for total accountability from each salesperson. What are the “MUST ACHIEVE” Sales Goals in Q4? Once the goals for Q4 are in place, accountability for time and Sales activity (behaviors) is the next critical … Continue reading

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The Power of Listening: Unveiling Buyer Motives

In the dynamic landscape of sales, one skill stands out as a game-changer: listening. A salesperson’s ability to truly listen can be the difference between a successful deal and a missed opportunity. Why is listening so critical? Because it holds … Continue reading

Posted in Attitude, Sales, sales compensation, Sales Development, Sales Management, Sales Training | Leave a comment

The Second Best Word you Can Hear is “No”

Whether you’re new to sales or a seasoned veteran, regardless of your “technique”, you’ll still hear “NO” more often than “YES”. This is a truism of sales. Most salespeople know this, but everyday go on calls always seeking a “YES”. … Continue reading

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Time Management: The Key to Improving Sales Productivity

Time management is an OXYMORON. You cannot manage time, but you can manage yourself through a disciplined process of maximizing your time by prioritizing activities which will help you achieve your sales goals. This discipline must be ongoing, not something … Continue reading

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It’s Trade Show Season: Come Back with Prospects, Not Just Leads

Remember this? Long days…sore feet…tired back. Sound like your typical trade show? To make the show worthwhile, you’ve got to put in the effort (And track your results). What better place to talk to and meet scores of current users … Continue reading

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Sales Manager’s Corner: Prospecting – The Lifeblood of Selling

“It’s not WHAT you know…It’s what you DO with what you know!” NEW BUSINESS It’s either coming from your existing customer base or from new customers. Keeping the “funnel” filled with qualified prospects requires multiple prospecting methods used in a … Continue reading

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