Real Sales Leadership for your “Remote” Sales People

We’ve all been inundated with ‘tips” on the internet on “how to work remotely” over the past week. Sales Leadership is NOW critical.

In this time of remote selling – telephone skills are more important than ever.

Your people want to know: “What should I do? AND…” What do I say?”  AND… “How should I start my phone call in this “crazy time?”

Leadership includes “coaching.” Here are 2 examples for phone call coaching:

1. Calling Current customers (and people contacted recently.)

Your people MUST have these 2 questions ready to start the conversation in their best, empathetic voice using great tonality:

A. How are YOU doing?”

B. “How can I help you?” (Your salespeople won’t always know the answer to this question.  Have your people let the customer talk…and tell them, to listen.  (The responses, may not have anything to do with selling, or your products/services.) It may be an opportunity to “bond” and build their relationship only. For now, that may be okay.

2. Calling New Prospects (or former customers they haven’t contacted in a couple of years.)

“Hi (their name). It’s (my name.) Stop-Pause-wait a second.

I understand in this current climate, this may not be the best time for a business conversation. (Pause)

Can I take just 10 seconds to explain why I’m calling; and then you can decide if it makes sense to continue. (Pause)

(Prospect name) I work pretty much exclusively with (prospects title) Here’s what I’ve been hearing in the industry in these times______ (mention one positive thing and one “challenge.”)

Let me ask:How are YOU doing?”

“What are you seeing, or experiencing?”

“How can I help you?”

The KEY to the Conversation: engaging them; listening; and setting up a “next step” to follow up.

As Sales Leader, help your team get more of the “better outcomes that you are looking for.

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