It’s like a “Blind Date.” You “Hope” you won’t be disappointed and you “Hope” it might “Work Out.”

Let’s face facts; you’re frustrated because it’s difficult in this 4% unemployment economy-you’ve done some work. Like:
· You (or HR) have a Sales position job description.
· You’ve advertised your sales opening.
· You’ve looked at countless resumes …who have “experience” in sales, but not quite the experience you need for your unique sales role or market.
· You’re unhappy because you’ve interviewed people who you “liked” but…you’re not sure. You’re not even sure or confident in your interviewing skills (FYI- only 5 % of managers have had any interviewing training—you’re not alone.)
· You are “subjective” and follow your “gut instinct” when interviewing—“After all, they were likable & they have a great personality… AND…I’d buy from them.”
· Poor hires have cost you a good amount of money in the past, not to mention lost time and lost opportunities.
· You’re tired of “being sold” by sales candidates…who, once hired, don’t produce like they said they could in the interview.
· You’ve heard about Sales hiring assessments, maybe have even used a personality test in the past, without much success. It didn’t really focus sales capabilities like sales skills & competencies, Sales DNA, Sales development or questions to probe in an interview.
Let us share solid, data driven information about the #1 Sales Hiring Assessment from our Partner, Objective Management Group.
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