The Goal Directed Sales Person

The Goal Directed Sales Person

Sales People will not “buy in” to the company sales goal until you first establish personal goals with each sales person. You must have this conversation and do this exercise!
• What do they want to earn in the current year?
• What possession goals do they want for themselves and their family?
• What do they have to sell annually to achieve these goals?
• What is the monthly sales target?
• What must they have in the pipeline (based on sales cycle and closing percentage) on a monthly basis?
• What activity must happen on a consistent basis (daily, weekly, monthly) to support the pipeline?

When you tie the results of a sales person’s activities to a specific personal goal, they have a purpose (and a clearly defined goal) for which they are working. Ultimately, they are more likely to accomplish their sales numbers than a sales person who does not have any specific personal goals.

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